1.He always uses my first name,although he is several years my____.
A)old B)junior C)younger D)senior
2.Many beautiful landscapes that glow in the gallery are sadly____ in reality.
A)decline B)decayed C)decay D)clay
3.As the patrol commander approached the door of the bank,he spotted a briefcase___ against the wall.
A)learning B)leaning C)leaned D)learned
4.The city of Kyoto,the imperial capital,lies___ by hills and is frequently bathed in mists.
A)surrounding B)surplus C)surrounded D)around
5.This show will no doubt___ his growing reputation.
A)add up to B)add to C)in addition to D)adds to
6.All the child psychologists say that mummy and daddy have to be there for children to___ well balanced.
A)grow on B)grow in C)grow up D)grow together
7.I know this math problem is a bit hard,but you can___ it___ yourself if only you try.
A)work…on B)work…out C)single…out D)concentrate…on
8.He always has a lot of _______ ideas in his mind,and sometimes we do not even know what he is thinking about.
A)novel B)spoil C)acceptable D)additional
9.Please be serious.I am not _______.You should consider it carefully.
A)sorting B)joking C)counting D)comparing
10.We do not have a _______ school in our institute.The highest degree we provide for the students is a B.A.and a B.S..
A)continue B)bay C)assistance D)graduate
11.In the United States,the foreign policy is decided by the ________ government,not by each state.
A)federal B)figure C)scientific D)service
12.He works in our university as a visiting _______,not as a formal faculty member.
A)traditional B)scholar C)nurse D)pilot
13.When you fill in the application form,please use your _______ address so that we can contact you easily later.
A)policy B)plain C)permanent D)principal
14.John _______ to be a polite man.But in fact he is very rude.
A)pretends B)assures C)affords D)melts
15.We can not trust him any more because he often ________ his duty.
A)owes B)spoils C)deserts D)neglects
16.The European Union countries were once worried that they would not have ____ supplies of petroleum.
A)proficient B)efficient C)potential D)sufficient
17.Many people like white color as it is a _______ of purity.
A)symbol B)sign C)signal D)symptom
18.Tom is very untidy;he always leaves his room in a _______.
A)disorder B)damage C)mess D)trouble
19.Britain has the highest ____ of road traffic in the world—over 60 cars for every mile of road.
A)popularity B)density C)intensity D)prosperity
20.Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been unfairly criticized and argue that the power of the medium is ________.
A)granted B)implied C)exaggerated D)remedied
21.The greater the demand,________________ the price.
A)higher B)high C)the higher D)the high
22.It seems not ___________ to rain today.
A)likely B)alike C)like D)likable
23.The sixty-story skyscraper stands out ___________ the blue sky.
A)on B)under C)against D)in
24.Greatly agitated,I rushed to the apartment and tried the door,_________ to find it locked.
A)just B)only C)hence D)thus
25.The story told by the old man was so touching and instructive that we could hardly ________ our tears.
A)catch hold of B)hold back C)hold up D)hold on
26.She cut her hair short and tried to ___________ herself as a man.
A)decorate B)disguise C)fake D)fabricate
27.My mother always paid attention to the needs,wishes and feelings of those around her.She was the most ______________ woman I’ve ever known.
A)considerate B)artificial C)brilliant D)merry
28.As some of the rules concerning foreign trade ran contrary to the principles of the WTO,the government decided to ____________ them as soon as possible.
A)accomplish B)distinguish C)establish D)abolish
29.In 30 years the country has been ___________ into an advanced industrial power.
A)transmitted B)transferred C)transformed D)transplanted
30.In addition to rice,we need to __________ our diet with fish,meat and vegetable.
A)replace B)supplement C)mix D)addition

